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Get an image from a notebook

Note: this only works for png images. Other file types will not work at the moment.



 get_img (nb_path, label='thumbnail')

Get image from notebook with a quarto cell directive with #|label: {label}

get_img allows you to get images from cells that contain a certain label. For example, consider the following cell in test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb:

#|label: two_variable_bar_plot
#|fig-cap: Two variable bar plot

(ggplot(df, aes(x='variable', y='value', fill='category'))
 + geom_col(stat='identity', position='dodge'))

You can extract the plot from that notebook like this:

img = get_img('test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb', label='two_variable_bar_plot')

# test if you provide a label that doesn't exist
test_fail(get_img, contains='test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb does not contain a cell with `#|label: does_not_exist`', 
          args=('test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb', 'does_not_exist'))

# test if you label a cell that doesn't have a plot like a dataframe
test_fail(get_img, contains='test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb: cell with `#|label: no_plot` does not have an output type of `display_data`',
          args=('test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb', 'no_plot'))

# make sure image is a PngImageFile
assert isinstance(img, Image.Image)

Turn image into thumbnail

The image above is too big! We can turn it into a thumbnail like so:



 img2thumb (img:PIL.Image.Image, size=(260, 260))

Convert image to thumbnail.


Get a thumbnail directly from a notebook



 nb2thumb (nb_path, label='thumbnail', size=(260, 260))

Extract thumbnail corresponding to the cell with the comment #|label: {label} from a notebook.

nb2thumb allows us to get a thumbnail directly from a notebook:

thumb = nb2thumb('test_nbs/geom_col.ipynb', label='two_variable_bar_plot')