Quasi-recurrent neural networks introduced in Bradbury et al.


__file__ = Path.cwd().parent/'fastai'/'text'/'models'/'qrnn.py'


load_cpp(name, files, path)


dispatch_cuda(cuda_class, cpu_func, x)

Depending on x.device uses cpu_func or cuda_class.apply

The ForgetMult gate is the quasi-recurrent part of the network, computing the following from x and f.

h[i+1] = x[i] * f[i] + h[i] + (1-f[i])

The initial value for h[0] is either a tensor of zeros or the previous hidden state.


forget_mult_CPU(x, f, first_h=None, batch_first=True, backward=False)

ForgetMult gate applied to x and f on the CPU.

first_h is the tensor used for the value of h[0] (defaults to a tensor of zeros). If batch_first=True, x and f are expected to be of shape batch_size x seq_length x n_hid, otherwise they are expected to be of shape seq_length x batch_size x n_hid. If backwards=True, the elements in x and f on the sequence dimension are read in reverse.

def manual_forget_mult(x, f, h=None, batch_first=True, backward=False):
    if batch_first: x,f = x.transpose(0,1),f.transpose(0,1)
    out = torch.zeros_like(x)
    prev = h if h is not None else torch.zeros_like(out[0])
    idx_range = range(x.shape[0]-1,-1,-1) if backward else range(x.shape[0])
    for i in idx_range:
        out[i] = f[i] * x[i] + (1-f[i]) * prev
        prev = out[i]
    if batch_first: out = out.transpose(0,1)
    return out

x,f = torch.randn(5,3,20).chunk(2, dim=2)
for (bf, bw) in [(True,True), (False,True), (True,False), (False,False)]:
    th_out = manual_forget_mult(x, f, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
    out = forget_mult_CPU(x, f, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
    h = torch.randn((5 if bf else 3), 10)
    th_out = manual_forget_mult(x, f, h=h, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
    out = forget_mult_CPU(x, f, first_h=h, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
x = torch.randn(3,4,5)
x.size() + torch.Size([0,1,0])
torch.Size([3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 0])

class ForgetMultGPU[source]

ForgetMultGPU() :: Function

Wrapper around the CUDA kernels for the ForgetMult gate.


class QRNNLayer[source]

QRNNLayer(input_size, hidden_size=None, save_prev_x=False, zoneout=0, window=1, output_gate=True, batch_first=True, backward=False) :: Module

Apply a single layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence.

qrnn_fwd = QRNNLayer(10, 20, save_prev_x=True, zoneout=0, window=2, output_gate=True)
qrnn_bwd = QRNNLayer(10, 20, save_prev_x=True, zoneout=0, window=2, output_gate=True, backward=True)
x_fwd = torch.randn(7,5,10)
x_bwd = x_fwd.clone().flip(1)
y_fwd,h_fwd = qrnn_fwd(x_fwd)
y_bwd,h_bwd = qrnn_bwd(x_bwd)
test_close(y_fwd, y_bwd.flip(1), eps=1e-4)
test_close(h_fwd, h_bwd, eps=1e-4)
y_fwd,h_fwd = qrnn_fwd(x_fwd, h_fwd)
y_bwd,h_bwd = qrnn_bwd(x_bwd, h_bwd)
test_close(y_fwd, y_bwd.flip(1), eps=1e-4)
test_close(h_fwd, h_bwd, eps=1e-4)

class QRNN[source]

QRNN(input_size, hidden_size, n_layers=1, batch_first=True, dropout=0, bidirectional=False, save_prev_x=False, zoneout=0, window=None, output_gate=True) :: Module

Apply a multiple layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence.

qrnn = QRNN(10, 20, 2, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, window=2, output_gate=False)
x = torch.randn(7,5,10)
y,h = qrnn(x)
test_eq(y.size(), [7, 5, 40])
test_eq(h.size(), [4, 7, 20])
#Without an out gate, the last timestamp in the forward output is the second to last hidden
#and the first timestamp of the backward output is the last hidden
test_close(y[:,-1,:20], h[2])
test_close(y[:,0,20:], h[3])