Classes to build objects to better interpret predictions of a model

class Interpretation[source]

Interpretation(dl, inputs, preds, targs, decoded, losses)

Interpretation base class, can be inherited for task specific Interpretation classes

learn = synth_learner()
interp = Interpretation.from_learner(learn)
x,y = learn.dls.valid_ds.tensors
test_eq(interp.inputs, x)
test_eq(interp.targs, y)
out = learn.model.a * x + learn.model.b
test_eq(interp.preds, out)
test_eq(interp.losses, (out-y)[:,0]**2)

class ClassificationInterpretation[source]

ClassificationInterpretation(dl, inputs, preds, targs, decoded, losses) :: Interpretation

Interpretation methods for classification models.