'Kaggle' if iskaggle else 'Not Kaggle'
'Not Kaggle'
pip install fastkaggle
mamba install -c fastai fastkaggle
(or replace mamba
with conda
if you don’t mind it taking much longer to run…)
This little library is where I’ll be putting snippets of stuff which are useful on Kaggle. Functionality includes the following:
It defines iskaggle
which is True
if you’re running on Kaggle:
It provides a setup_comp
function which gets a path to the data for a competition, downloading it if needed, and also installs any modules that might be missing or out of data if running on Kaggle:
There’s also push_notebook
to push a notebook to Kaggle Notebooks, and import_kaggle
to use the Kaggle API (even when you’re on Kaggle!) See the fastkaggle.core
docs for details.
This section is designed to make uploading pip libraries to kaggle datasets easy. There’s 2 primary high level functions to be used. First we can define our kaggle username and the local path we want to use to store datasets when we create them.
The purpose of this is to create datasets that can be used in no internet inference competitions to install libraries using pip install -Uqq library --no-index --find-links=file:///kaggle/input/your_dataset/
We can take a list of libraries and upload them as seperate datasets. For example the below will create a library-fastcore
and library-timm
dataset. If they already exist, it will push a new version if there is a more recent version available.
Processing fastcore as library-fastcore at /Users/isaacflath/kaggle_datasets/library-fastcore
-----Downloading or Creating Dataset
-----Checking dataset version against pip
-----Kaggle dataset already up to date 1.5.16 to 1.5.16
Processing flask as library-flask at /Users/isaacflath/kaggle_datasets/library-flask
-----Downloading or Creating Dataset
-----Checking dataset version against pip
-----Kaggle dataset already up to date 2.2.2 to 2.2.2
Processing fastkaggle as library-fastkaggle at /Users/isaacflath/kaggle_datasets/library-fastkaggle
-----Downloading or Creating Dataset
-----Checking dataset version against pip
-----Kaggle dataset already up to date 0.0.6 to 0.0.6
This creats datasets in kaggle with the needed files. For example the library fastkaggle
looks like this in kaggle.
We can also create a singular dataset with multiple libraries based on a requirements.txt
file for the project. If there are any different files it will push a new version.
create_requirements_dataset('test_files/requirements.txt',lib_path,'libraries-pawpularity', username)
Processing libraries-pawpularity at /root/kaggle_datasets/libraries-pawpularity
-----Downloading or Creating Dataset
Data package template written to: /root/kaggle_datasets/libraries-pawpularity/dataset-metadata.json
-----Checking dataset version against pip
-----Updating libraries-pawpularity in Kaggle
This creates a dataset in kaggle with the needed files.