Operators and axis


Jeremy Howard


July 5, 2022

This post will explore some introductory operators (aka “higher order functions”) in APL.

]box on -style=max -trains=tree -fns=on
│Was ON -style=max -trains=tree -fns=on│


3 2⍴⍳6
↓1 2│
│3 4│
│5 6│

Axis changes how the equal operator consumes the right argument. We specify a dimesion and we broadcast the operator across that dimension. In this case we are comparing the columns of the array to the left argument.

1 4 5 =[1] 3 2⍴⍳6
↓1 0│
│0 1│
│1 0│
⎕←mat ← 2 3 ⍴ 10 20 30 40 50 60
↓10 20 30│
│40 50 60│

Similarly we can modify the plus operator to broadcast along the columns.

mat+[1]1 2    ⍝ add along first axis
↓11 21 31│
│42 52 62│

Comma functions

, (Comma)

monadic , (Ravel)

⎕ ← cube ← 2 2 2 ⍴ ⍳8
↓↓1 2│
││3 4│
││   │
││5 6│
││7 8│

Returns the elemenst as a vector

, cube
│1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8│
, (1 2)(1 2)
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │
│ │1 2│ │1 2│ │
│ └~──┘ └~──┘ │

monadic , (Ravel) with axis


We can use the axis modify insert a new dimension with ravel. We started with a single dimension, and we inserted a new one after it


The fraction indicates where the new dimension is inserted

│1 3│

If we specify a null dimension the dimension is added at the end

│3 1│
2 2 2⍴⍳8
↓↓1 2│
││3 4│
││   │
││5 6│
││7 8│
⎕←M ← 2 3 4 ⍴ ⍳24
↓↓ 1  2  3  4│
││ 5  6  7  8│
││ 9 10 11 12│
││           │
││13 14 15 16│
││17 18 19 20│
││21 22 23 24│

Specifying more than one dimension will merge the two given dimensions

,[1 2]M
↓ 1  2  3  4│
│ 5  6  7  8│
│ 9 10 11 12│
│13 14 15 16│
│17 18 19 20│
│21 22 23 24│
⍴,[1 2]M
│6 4│
,[2 3]M
↓ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12│
│13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24│
⍴,[2 3]M
│2 12│

dyadic , (Catenate/Laminate (Join))

Joins arrays together

1 2 3 , 4 5 6
│1 2 3 4 5 6│

Will be broadcast along the first dimension.

cube ← 2 2 2 ⍴ ⍳8
cube , 99
↓↓1 2 99│
││3 4 99│
││      │
││5 6 99│
││7 8 99│

dyadic , (Ravel) with axis

rect←3 2⍴⍳6
↓1 2│
│3 4│
│5 6│
│3 2│

Add the element 10 to the end of each row

↓1 2 10│
│3 4 10│
│5 6 10│

We can modify laminate to add the given element to the columns (axis 1) instead of the rows (axis 2)

↓ 1  2│
│ 3  4│
│ 5  6│
│10 10│

A fractional axis creates a new axis and laminates that onto the existing rect

↓↓ 1  2│
││ 3  4│
││ 5  6│
││     │
││10 10│
││10 10│
││10 10│

(Comma bar)

monadic (Table / Ravel items)

Very similar to ravel. Operates on the first axis by default instead of the last axis.


This can be used to create columns instead of rows

2 3 4⍴⎕A
││    │

Ravels the dimensions down to 2 leaving the size of the first dimension unchanged and merging the others.

⍴⍪2 3 4⍴⎕A
│2 12│
⍪2 3 4⍴⎕A

dyadic (Catenate first)

Operates by catenating the first dimensions

1 2 3 ⍪ 4 5 6
│1 2 3 4 5 6│
cube ← 2 2 2 ⍴ ⍳8
cube ⍪ 99
↓↓ 1  2│
││ 3  4│
││     │
││ 5  6│
││ 7  8│
││     │
││99 99│
││99 99│

Operator glyphs

/ (Slash)

monadic / (Reduce / N-wise Reduce)

monadic function (Reduce)

inserts the function on the right between the elements of the given array

1 2 3 4 5 —> 1+2+3+4+5

⎕ ← a ← ⍳5
│1 2 3 4 5│

Can be used to multiply all elements together

a ← ⍳5
a ← ⍳3

Find the maximum element in an array

a ← 4 6 2
⌈/ a

Find the minimum element in the array

a ← 4 6 2
⌊/ a
dyadic function (N-wise Reduce)

Windowed sum with window of 3:

3+/⍳4  ⍝ (1+2+3) (2+3+4)
│6 9│

Windowed sum with window of 2:

2+/⍳4  ⍝ (1+2) (2+3) (3+4)
│3 5 7│

Moving average

│2 3│
0+/⍳4  ⍝ Identity element for +
│0 0 0 0 0│
0×/⍳4  ⍝ Identity element for ×
│1 1 1 1 1│
¯2,/⍳4⍝ (2,1) (3,2) (4,3)
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │
│ │2 1│ │3 2│ │4 3│ │
│ └~──┘ └~──┘ └~──┘ │

Axis (with Monadic Operand)

Combining reduce with axis allows us to specify the dimension to reduce.

Sum the columns

mat←2 3⍴⍳6
│5 7 9│

Sum the rows

mat←2 3⍴⍳6
│6 15│
mat←2 3⍴⍳6
│6 15│

\ (Slope)

monadic \ (Scan)

Show all the intermediate steps of reduce

1 (1+2) (1+2+3) (1+2+3+4) (1+2+3+4+5)

a ← ⍳5
│1 3 6 10 15│
a ← ⍳5
│1 2 6 24 120│
⎕ ← a ← ⍳3
│1 2 3│
│1 0.5 1.5│

(Slash Bar)

monadic (Reduce First)

Works similar to reduce. Operates on the first dimension rather than the last.

⎕←mat ← 2 3 ⍴ ⍳6
↓1 2 3│
│4 5 6│
│6 15│
⎕←mat ← 2 3 ⍴ ⍳6
↓1 2 3│
│4 5 6│
│5 7 9│
│5 7 9│

(Slope Bar)

monadic (Scan first)

Similar to scan but operates on the first dimension rather than the last

⎕ ← mat ← 2 3 ⍴ ⍳6
↓1 2 3│
│4 5 6│
↓1 2 3│
│5 7 9│

(Jot Diaresis)

dyadic (Rank)

trace←{⍺←⊢⋄⎕←'⍺: '⍺ '⍵: '⍵⋄ ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵} ⍝ explainer function

⍤ lets you specify the dimensions of the matrix to pass into the next function. In this case we only want plus reduce first to operate across rows.

⎕←cube ← 2 3 4 ⍴ ⍳24
↓↓ 1  2  3  4│
││ 5  6  7  8│
││ 9 10 11 12│
││           │
││13 14 15 16│
││17 18 19 20│
││21 22 23 24│
↓10 26 42│
│58 74 90│
(+⌿trace⍤1)cube ⍝ show the input to pluse reduce first
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │1 2 3 4│ │
│ └───┘ └~──────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │5 6 7 8│ │
│ └───┘ └~──────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→─────────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │9 10 11 12│ │
│ └───┘ └~─────────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──────────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │13 14 15 16│ │
│ └───┘ └~──────────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──────────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │17 18 19 20│ │
│ └───┘ └~──────────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──────────┐ │
│ │⍵: │ │21 22 23 24│ │
│ └───┘ └~──────────┘ │
↓10 26 42│
│58 74 90│

Sum the columns

⎕←mat ← 3 4 ⍴ ⍳12
↓1  2  3  4│
│5  6  7  8│
│9 10 11 12│
│15 18 21 24│

For each of the 3 4 (the first 2 dimensions) matrices in the larger cube apply plus reduce first

↓↓ 1  2  3  4│
││ 5  6  7  8│
││ 9 10 11 12│
││           │
││13 14 15 16│
││17 18 19 20│
││21 22 23 24│
↓15 18 21 24│
│51 54 57 60│

Given ⍺ and ⍵ arguments we can specify dimensions for each. In the following we take the ⍺ argument by element and the ⍵ argument by row

1 2 3 (+trace⍤0 1) mat
↓1  2  3  4│
│5  6  7  8│
│9 10 11 12│
│ ┌→──┐   ┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ │
│ │⍺: │ 1 │⍵: │ │1 2 3 4│ │
│ └───┘   └───┘ └~──────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐   ┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ │
│ │⍺: │ 2 │⍵: │ │5 6 7 8│ │
│ └───┘   └───┘ └~──────┘ │
│ ┌→──┐   ┌→──┐ ┌→─────────┐ │
│ │⍺: │ 3 │⍵: │ │9 10 11 12│ │
│ └───┘   └───┘ └~─────────┘ │
↓ 2  3  4  5│
│ 7  8  9 10│
│12 13 14 15│

dyadic (Atop)

⍤ used dyadically is a function application rule

f⍤g X → f(gX) → fgX X f⍤g Y → f X g Y

f ← *⍤÷
⎕←f 3
⎕←2 f 3


dyadic (Bind)

Can be used for partial function application. Binds the right argument 2 to the power function returning a new function that takes only a single argument

sqr ← *∘2
sqr 3

Can bind the left argument as well

pow2 ← 2∘*
pow2 3

dyadic (Beside)

Another function composition rule

f∘g X → f(gX) → fgX X f∘g Y → X f g Y

f ← *∘÷
f 3
2 f 3
2 * (÷3)

(Circle diaresis)

dyadic (Over)

Another function composition rule.

f⍥g Y → f(gX) → fgX X f⍥g Y → (g X)f(g Y)

f ← *⍥÷
f 3
2 f 3
10 (÷⍥!) 6   ⍝ P(10,4)
(!10)÷!(10-4)  ⍝ P(10,4)

(Star Diaeresis)

dyadic (Power operator)

S ← +∘1
S 0

⍣ Calls a function the given number of times.

S(S(S 0))

(S⍣3) 0
add ← {(S⍣⍺) ⍵}
2 add 3
mult ← {⍺ (add⍣⍵) 0}
3 mult 4
P ← S⍣¯1
P 3
(S⍣¯3) 5
sqr ← *∘2
pow ← {⍺ (mult⍣⍵) 1}
2 pow 3
1 +∘÷⍣= 1
f ← +∘÷
1 f 1
1 f 2
1 f 1.5
1 (f⍣15) 1
1 (f⍣=) 1

Linear Algebra

. (Dot)

Dyadic . (Inner Product)

The ⍵⍵ operator specifies how elements are combined. The ⍺⍺ argument specifies how the results of the ⍵⍵ operation are combined.

(1×4) + (2×5) + (3×6)

1 2 3 +.× 4 5 6  ⍝ Dot product


3 ∧.= 3 3 3 3  ⍝ All-equal

(1×1)+(2×3)    (1×2)+(2×4)

(3×1)+(4×3)    (3×2)+(4×4)

⎕←mat←2 2⍴⍳4
mat +.× mat   ⍝ matrix product
↓1 2│
│3 4│
↓ 7 10│
│15 22│

In this case we are going to duplicate the ⍵ argument. Once for each element of the ⍺ argument. The first one is multiplied by the first element of the ⍺ argument. The second by the second element, etc.

1× 4 5 6 7

2× 4 5 6 7

3× 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 ∘.× 4 5 6 7  ⍝ Special case: outer prodct
↓ 4  5  6  7│
│ 8 10 12 14│
│12 15 18 21│

(Domino;Quad Divide)

Monadic (Matrix Inverse Of)

mat←2 2⍴⍳4
⎕←inv←⌹ mat
↓¯2    1  │
│ 1.5 ¯0.5│
inv +.× mat  ⍝ Identity
↓1 0│
│0 1│

Dyadic (Matrix Division By)

⎕←div←5 6 ⌹ mat
│¯4 4.5│
mat +.× div
│5 6│

Custom operators

f ← *∘2
d ← 0.01
x ← 3
((f (x+d)) - f x) ÷ d
d ← 0.0001
((f (x+d)) - f x) ÷ d
grad ← {((⍺⍺ ⍺+⍵) - ⍺⍺ ⍺) ÷ ⍵}
3 f grad 0.01

Diaeresis and Tilde Diaeresis

(Tilde Diaeresis)

dyadic (Commute)

Modifies the given function so its arguments are swapped.


Normally to use a mask to select elements the mask is the ⍺ argument to /. If we wanted to right this out we would need to calculate the mask first.


v←22 10 22 22 21 10 5 10
│22 10 21 5│
grad ← {⍵ ÷⍨ (⍺⍺ ⍺+⍵) - ⍺⍺ ⍺}
3 f grad 0.01

Can also be used to reflect the ⍵ argument to become the ⍺ argument as well.

3 × 3

pow ← ×⍨
pow 3

dyadic (Constant)

zero ← 0⍨
2 zero 5

¨ (Diaresis)

monadic ¨ (Each)

⎕ ← a ← (1 2 3 4)(5 6 7)
│ ┌→──────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │1 2 3 4│ │5 6 7│ │
│ └~──────┘ └~────┘ │

Apply +/ to each of the elements of a. Each element is itself an array. So we sum those up.

│10 18│
⎕ ← b ← (1 2 3)(4 5 6)
│ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │1 2 3│ │4 5 6│ │
│ └~────┘ └~────┘ │

Distribute the plus and an element to each of the elements of b.

2 + 1 2 3

3 + 4 5 6

2 3 +¨ b
│ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │3 4 5│ │7 8 9│ │
│ └~────┘ └~────┘ │